Tuesday, September 21, 2021

The Nine

'The Nine'
I recently posted these on social media...
the reaction was pretty fabulous. 

So I thought they deserved a new blogspot 
about their creation.

The Nine, original designs by aKimberlydesign.com

Small pieces that are a quick stitch and 
might teach you a new technique.
That was how these started and 
morphed into a wall of art
that could be a visual trigger 
for future canvases.

Books are great, 
but I'm extremely visual.
I want to see how it looks in thread.
When I first started working on painted canvases...
I didn't always visualize how a stitch would 
work in a given space.
Sometimes... I still don't.
Then you are required to do a little reverse work.
rip rip rip
do over

Tree of Life, original design aKimberlydesign.com

'Tree of Life'
This piece has been very
popular. It highlights so many
different stitches. Plus the split 
background intrigues many.
You'll learn applique, 
several types of ribbon work, 
and bullions!

Yes! I'm Special, original design aKimberlydesign.com

'Yes! I'm Special'
I taught this a couple of years ago for
Blue Bonnet Studio in Houston.
John Sinton loved popping into 
the class room announcing the name
and then loving the laughter.

Turkey work, blending silk on it's head, 
but the main focus is layers of needle
weaving topped with crystals.
And another crazy background 
with String Art.

Movement, original design by aKimberlydesign.com

This is being taught at
[still taking sign ups! tap link above]

This one features kid leather applique,
bullions with velvet, 
couched silk wrapped 
pearl purl and gimp.

Caps 'N Curls, original design by aKimberlydesign.com

'Caps 'N Curls'
This one glistens. The caps are 
stitched in layers with 
appliqued organza that is 
then overstitched for 
more depth.

My Castle, original design aKimberlydesign.com

'My Castle'
Where to begin, this one is
beadazzled. Basic stitches with
laid silk, over stitched for neat 
shading effects. Sequins in the 
flower garden. String art for the 
rooflines and finials.
This was the last one I stitched,
finished during the pandemic.
I'm still getting the guide together.
It will be available soon.

Happy Little Bug, original design aKimberlydesign.com

'Happy Little Bug'
This one is just fun. 
Loops of Turkey work with
Silk Straw!, bullions,
sequins and beading.

Bubbles, original design aKimberlydesign.com

Cut work needle weaving plays 
across the top of this design.
Brick beading, over the shaded
water, patterned sequins for the 
body via basketweave.
Ribbon ruffles with French Knots.

Curly Flower, original design by aKimberlydesign.com

'Curly Flower'
So much texture, ribbon work 
with piles of uncut turkey work in the
center. This piece features a thread that
is now extinct! So frustrating when 
companies off a magical thread.
Now... you'll learn how to wrap
floral wire to achieve the same look.

Leaves, original design aKimberlydesign.com

Like a small sampler of stitching.
Each leaf is different.
From applique with surface
embroidery, raised stem, 
needle weaving, and some
detached buttonhole.
And always my favorite...

Order any of the above
through my distributor at

aKimberlydesign logo, aKimberlydesign.com


