Sunday, November 29, 2020

Grateful ...

 This year has been a test ...

Growing up the TV would periodically go into 'TEST' mode.

It was like the outer limits was taking over, it would buzz loudly ...

a different screen would appear and ...

the collective 'we' thought 

nothing of it!

I'm not sure what brought me to the above but

it's been that kind of year and here we are at the end 

of November.

My focus has been to be 


To focus on what I have ...

Like a new grandson!

His two amazing siblings!

My daughter and son,

who both hold my heart.

Having my Mom here!

My family, my friends,

my creativity and my wild imagination that fuels it!

I was recently honored to win an award for my work.

With all that has been going on, I've begun to enter local 

gallery shows. It gets my work out there and keeps me

motivated to do MORE.

Therefore, you could have knocked me over with a feather

when I won an 'Award of Excellence' 

